When using v2 hardware, we have phased out the option to save streamed recordings directly to the CSV format. Similarly, we also no longer support the conversion of logged data directly to the CSV format. For customers that require or prefer the CSV format, you can convert your HDF files to CSV through Motion Studio's Data Explorer window by right clicking on the HDF file you wish to convert and selecting the "Export to CSV" option. You can select multiple files for conversion by holding the ctrl button while selecting individual files or she shift button to select a range (standard selection behavior).
This resolves a number of user issues related to saving directly to CSV. Three important ones include:
- Some programs (like older versions of Excel) truncate the timestamps in the CSV files upon saving. This can make the files unusable for some applications.
- Debugging information required to resolve some customer issues cannot be embedded in the CSV files.
- Some programs (like Excel and LibreOffice), cannot open CSV files that have more than 32k rows. This is just over 4 minutes of recording.
- CSV files are much larger than their HDF equivalents.