Migrating to a clean Motion Studio installation

On occasion, it is desirable to migrate to a clean Motion Studio installation instead of going through the standard update process. This may be useful if an issue was encountered during an online update. It may also be desirable to clean out your installation drive from the accumulation of past versions of Motion Studio.

To migrate your installation, follow these steps:


  1. Locate your current installation folder.
  2. This can typically this can be found at: "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio".
  3. Change your installation folder name to "Motion Studio Old". This prevents the new installation from copying over your old installation.
  4. Navigate your browser to http://share.apdm.com/motion_studio/release/, select your platform, and download the installer.
  5. Run the installer. This will install Motion Studio to the standard location (typically "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio").
  6. Copy your old "workspace" folder from your previous installation into this one. Typically, this means moving the folder at "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio Old\workspace" to "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio\workspace".
  7. If you use your system in the logging mode, then you may already have some logged files saved in the "import" folder in your previous installation. If so, copy this folder as well. Typically, this means moving the folder at "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio Old\import" to "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio\import".
  8. Launch Motion Studio.
  9. Confirm that your data is all present.
  10. After you are satisfied that your data has been migrated correctly, you can delete the old installation at "C:\Program Files\Motion Studio Old"


  1. Locate your current installation folder. This can typically this can be found at: "/Applications/MotionStudio".
  2. Change your application name to "MotionStudioOld". This prevents the new installation from copying over your old installation.
  3. Navigate your browser to http://share.apdm.com/motion_studio/release/, select your platform, and download the installer.
  4. Install Motion Studio by opening the dmg, and dragging the MotionStudio icon into the Applications shortcut within the finder window.
  5. Copy your old "workspace" folder from your previous installation into this one. Typically, this means moving the folder at "/Applications/MotionStudioOld/Contents/Resources/workspace" to "/Applications/MotionStudio/Contents/Resources/workspace". For some older installations (before the application was put into its own application bundle), the workspace location may be located at "/Applications/MotionStudio/workspace".
  6. If you use your system in the logging mode, then you may already have some logged files saved in the "import" folder in your previous installation. If so, copy this folder as well. Typically, this means moving the folder at "/Applications/MotionStudioOld/Contents/Resources/import" to "/Applications/MotionStudio/Contents/Resources/import". For some older installations (before the application was put into its own application bundle), the workspace import folder may be located at "/Applications/MotionStudio/import".
  7. Launch Motion Studio.
  8. Confirm that your data is all present.
  9. After you are satisfied that your data has been migrated correctly, you can delete the old installation at "/Applications/MotionStudioOld"


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