At launch time, our applications request a specific amount of memory from your operating system. The application does not necessarily use all of this memory, but it is not allowed to use more.
Why would I need to decrease the amount of memory available to the application? On some older 32-bit systems or systems with limited RAM, the requested amount of memory may not be available on your computer, and you will instead get a "Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine" or "Java was started but returned zero exit code=1" error message at launch time. If this is the case, you will have to decrease the amount of memory that is requested at launch.
Why would I need to increase the amount of memory available to the application? Some Mobility Lab users collect a significant amount of data within a single workspace. When the number of trials gets into the thousands, the metadata describing all of these trials and the calculated metrics for all of these trials may result in a data set that is too large for the default memory allocation to load into memory at application launch. In these cases, you will have to specify a larger amount of memory that available to the application.
How do I change the amount of memory the application is requesting?
Motion Studio:
- Close the application
- Locate your MotionStudio.ini file:
- MacOSX:
- Locate the installation folder. This is typically "/Applications/MotionStudio"
- Within this folder, right click on the MotionStudio launcher (the one with the black sensor icon) and select "Show Package Contents". This will open another Finder window with the "Contents" folder as the top level element.
- Within this folder, open the "MacOS" folder and locate the "MotionStudio.ini".
- Windows
- Locate the installation folder. This is typically "c:\Program Files\MobilityLab"
- Within this folder, you will find the MotionStudio.ini file.
- Open this file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad on Windows)
- At the bottom of the file is a line stating something like "–Xmx1500m" (requesting 1500 megabytes, which is the same as 1.5 gigabytes) or "-Xmx2G" (2 gigabytes). If you need to reduce the memory requested, try "–Xmx1g". If you need to increase the memory requested, try "-Xmx4g".
- Relaunch Motion Studio
Mobility Lab:
- Close the application
- Locate your MobilityLab.ini file:
- MacOSX:
- Locate the installation folder. This is typically "/Applications/MobilityLab"
- Within this folder, right click on the MobilityLab launcher (the one with the black sensor icon) and select "Show Package Contents". This will open another Finder window with the "Contents" folder as the top level element.
- Within this folder, open the "MacOS" folder and locate the "MobilityLab.ini".
- Windows
- Locate the installation folder. This is typically "c:\Program Files\MobilityLab"
- Within this folder, you will find the MobilityLab.ini file.
- Open this file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad on Windows)
- At the bottom of the file is a line stating something like "–Xmx1500m" (requesting 1500 megabytes, which is the same as 1.5 gigabytes) or "-Xmx2G" (2 gigabytes). If you need to reduce the memory requested, try "–Xmx1g". If you need to increase the memory requested, try "-Xmx4g".
- Relaunch Mobility Lab
Contact if this does not resolve your issue.