The composite scores are all computed from the sway area measurements from the individual sway tests. Here are two definitions that help clarify this:
Sway Area: The area of the 95% confidence ellipse encompassing the sway trajectory in the transverse plane.
Sway trajectory: The path of the acceleration signal in the transverse plane (top view looking down) recorded from the lumbar monitor.
In the composite scores below:
- EO_area: The sway area for the eyes open, firm surface condition
- EC_area: The sway area for the eyes closed, firm surface condition
- EOF_area: The sway area for the eyes open, foam surface condition
- ECF_area: The sway area for the eyes closed,foam surface condition
And the composite scores:
Composite = (EO_area + EC_area + EOF_area + ECF_area)/4
- This represents the average sway over all 4 conditions.
Visual = min(((EC_area-EO_area)./EO_area)*100, ((ECF_area-EOF_area)./EOF_area)*100)
- This represents a percent change between the eyes closed to the eyes open condition. Both the foam and firm surfaces are independently considered and the minimum of the two is reported.
Proprioceptive = min(((EOF_area-EO_area)./EO_area)*100, ((ECF_area-EC_area)./EC_area)*100)
- This represents a percent change between the foam to the firm surface condition. Both the eyes open and eyes closed conditions are independently considered and the minimum of the two is reported.
Vestibular = ((ECF_area-EO_area)./EO_area)*100
- This represents the percent change of the sway area of the eyes closed, foam surface condition relative to the eyes open condition.