How are the ICTSIB composite scores computed?

The composite scores are all computed from the sway area measurements from the individual sway tests. Here are two definitions that help clarify this:

Sway Area: The area of the 95% confidence ellipse encompassing the sway trajectory in the transverse plane.

Sway trajectory: The path of the acceleration signal in the transverse plane (top view looking down) recorded from the lumbar monitor.

In the composite scores below:

  • EO_area: The sway area for the eyes open, firm surface condition
  • EC_area: The sway area for the eyes closed, firm surface condition
  • EOF_area: The sway area for the eyes open, foam surface condition
  • ECF_area: The sway area for the eyes closed,foam surface condition

And the composite scores:

Composite = (EO_area + EC_area + EOF_area + ECF_area)/4

  • This represents the average sway over all 4 conditions.

Visual = min(((EC_area-EO_area)./EO_area)*100, ((ECF_area-EOF_area)./EOF_area)*100)

  • This represents a percent change between the eyes closed to the eyes open condition. Both the foam and firm surfaces are independently considered and the minimum of the two is reported.

Proprioceptive = min(((EOF_area-EO_area)./EO_area)*100, ((ECF_area-EC_area)./EC_area)*100)

  • This represents a percent change between the foam to the firm surface condition. Both the eyes open and eyes closed conditions are independently considered and the minimum of the two is reported.

Vestibular = ((ECF_area-EO_area)./EO_area)*100

  • This represents the percent change of the sway area of the eyes closed, foam surface condition relative to the eyes open condition.
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