How to Import Opal .APDM Files

For a variety of reasons, you may have raw logged (*.apdm) recording files collected directly from an Opal that you would like to incorporate into your workspace, convert into a single .h5 file, or process with Mobility Lab/Moveo Explorer's analysis engine. To accomplish this process, there are three main steps: 1-Locate your installation directory for the APDM application, 2-create or verify the presence of an "import" folder to advertise the presence of the .apdm files to the application, and 3-converting the .apdm files into a single file .h5 file for further use within our, or third-party, applications. 

Windows Instructions

1 - Locate your Installation Directory


The default location for the installation directory is in the program files folder. If you are unsure of the file path to this folder, launch the Motion Studio application (or Motion Studio view via View->Motion Studio View) and note the file path listed for the installation directory (see above photo). Make note of this file-path to use as a guide in the next step and quit the application to proceed. 

2 - Verify the Presence of the Import Folder


Use Windows Explorer to navigate to your installation directory location (identified in the file path found in the previous step or in the Program Files folder). After navigating to the installation directory, verify the presence of a folder with the name "import". If the folder already exists, proceed to the next step. If the folder is not present, use Windows Explorer to make a new folder within your installation directory named "import" (all lowercase, no quotation marks). 

3 - Drag the .APDM files into the "import" folder

After the import folder has been created or verified, move all .APDM files you would like to import/convert into this folder. By moving these files into the import folder, their presence will be advertised to the application during the conversion process, and can then be grouped and converted with other overlapping recordings into a single .h5 file.


When all files you are interested in converting have been moved to the import folder, launch the Motion Studio application (or navigate to the Motion Studio view via View->Motion Studio View) and click the convert button. Select a recording to identify other overlapping recordings on the list and select the files you would like to convert. Clicking "Convert" will result in a .h5 file that includes all selected raw recordings. This .h5 file can then be exported for use in a third-party application, or imported as a trial into Mobility Lab or Moveo Explorer. 

If you encounter trouble importing .APDM files or are in need of any other assistance, please submit a support request.

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