Notice Regarding Critical v2 Equipment Firmware Update (early 2019)


Note: This article is with respect to the firmware released in early 2019. If you purchased or updated your hardware since then, this article does not apply to your situation.


APDM has released updates to the Motion Studio, Mobility Lab (v2), and Moveo Explorer software applications. This release includes a critical firmware update to improve the battery performance and management of your Opal sensors that ensures they retain the longest possible battery life.

Please perform the software and firmware update as soon as possible.


To update:

  • Update the software first with the hardware and Opals connected (Help-> Check for Updates)
  • Navigate to Hardware Configuration and follow the prompts to update the firmware, or navigate to Tools->Update Firmware. 

This update also includes new features:

  • Motion Studio can now stream or log data at up to 800 Hz sampling rate
  • Mobility Lab and Moveo Explorer now have configurations for logging mode, and options to create trials from logged recordings
  • View Asymmetry SD in Mobility Lab and Moveo Explorer Walk outcome reports, and Export Data to include asymmetry metrics for bilateral gait metrics
  • For a description of additional updates, please see:

If you have any questions or would like any assistance updating your system, please use the button at the top of this article to Submit a Request to the APDM Support Team.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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