Completing an Unfinished Test Sequence

When collecting an identical battery of tests from a number of subjects, using a sequence of tests set to run in order is a great way to ensure all desired data is collected. A test sequence also helps standardize the testing administration process and aid new study coordinators in learning to use the Opal system.


Once a test sequence has been initiated, the session will indicate that it is incomplete until all trials have been collected. Reasons that a sequence may have been interrupted include:

  • The subject is fatigued and cannot continue testing at that time
  • There is an unexpected event in the environment (fire alarm, office interruption, etc)
  • There is a malfunction or hardware failure within the Opal system that prevents data collection
  • Due to schedule limitations, the subject is only able to complete part of a sequence


Regardless of the cause, a sequence can still be completed within 24 hours of the initial starting time. To do so, first select an incomplete sequence within a subject in your study.


Any incomplete sequences will include red text to indicate pending tests to be completed within that visit. By selecting the incomplete test sequence, data collection will resume at the same point in the test sequence where it was exited.


Data collected beyond 24 hours of the start of the sequence would be considered "the next day". Therefore, completing sequences that are older than 24 hours is not recommended, as this data would no longer reasonably represent a test sequence collected at the reported start time.


When all tests in the sequence are complete, the visit info will now display the additional trial info.


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