Issues Importing Using Custom Start Time Button Markers

When converting logged data recordings, we have identified an issue where the start or end time may not reflect the correct timestamp of the selected marker event. This issue is targeted to be resolved with the release of our next software update, but there is a workaround that permits this functionality in the meantime. Below you will find step by step instructions as well as a video to explain the workaround. Please feel free to reach submit a support ticket if you would like any assistance with this process.



  1. Select overlapping recording for conversion
  2. Select check-box for "custom start time"
  3. Select the "marker" button to review available button events
  4. Select a button event to use as the start of the trial
  5. Note the timestamp of the marker event
  6. Note the timestamp does not match the selected marker events timestamp
  7. Copy the epoch timestamp to your clipboard, text editor, or an open document
  8. Uncheck/check custom start time to reset the fields
  9. Paste in the epoch timestamp previously copied
  10. Note the timestamp now matches the marker event



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