Unable to import Logged data from Opals (MacOS Catalina 10.15 and later)

There is a known compatibility issue between Mobility Lab/ Motion Studio/ Moveo Explorer, and how MacOS Catalina (10.15.0 and newer) handles access and permissions for externally connected drives: since the Opals are interpreted by the computer as externally connected drives, this issue renders the APDM software unable to see or import logged recordings off of the Opals, despite still allowing configuration and appearing to mount normally within the OS.


The following instructions should alleviate this problem:

  1.  Open your Mac’s “System Preferences” from either the Apple menu or the dock, then select “Security & Privacy”.
  2. Scroll down the list on the left-hand side of the window until you see an item labeled “Full Disk Access”, then click on this.
  3. Click on the lock icon to make changes, then enter your credentials/password. Leave this window open and alone for now._1__open_preference.png
  4. Open a new Finder window (file browser window), then navigate up to the menu bar and choose “Go > Go to Folder…”
  5. Go to the folder “/bin” (without the quotes)._2__go_to_folder.png
  6. Inside this /bin folder, locate the unix file titled “bash”
  7. Remembering the Security & Privacy Settings window we left open earlier: drag and drop this “bash” file into the list of items which are allowed to have Full Disk Access._3__drag_and_drop.png

  8. Click the lock again to save & prevent further changes.

  9. If it is already open: close and relaunch your Mobility Lab/ Motion Studio/ Moveo Explorer software.


Following this, you should be able to view, access, and import your Opals’ logged recordings using the Logged Data Conversion Manager window like you normally would._4__files_now_populate.png


Please contact support if you have any trouble with this or require any assistance.

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